The Indian Paint Industry is the fastest-growing paint economy in the world over, with consistent double-digit growth over the years.

Recruitment Challenges Faced By this Industry:

Bottom Level Workers’ Off days: This is the biggest issue of this industry. Bottom level workers don’t have any schedule driven work performance approach. Their sudden unavailability cause delay in the project delivery.

Skill Development of Painters: The painters lack formal training for their work. Absence of formal skill training has resulted in large skill gaps amongst paint applicators that learn as understudies of senior painters. There is a huge mismatch between the demand of the clients and services provided by the painters. The final customer satisfaction is to a large extent based on the performance and the skill of the applicator. Painters’ poor performance results by poor work quality is common in the industry.


Paint Paint

How we help Paint Clients:

Focus on safety awareness: We guide painters to identify health & safety hazards and follow health and safety standards. So that our clients can get well-educated painters.

Positions we help recruit our clients in this industry:

  • Chemical Engineers
  • Colour Managers
  • Sr. Paint Artists
  • Painters
  • Site Supervisors
  • Project Leads
  • Lead Engineers
  • Sales & Marketing Profiles, etc.

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